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Welcome to Deaf Online Dating. Find someone you really connect with. Browse singles in your area and in different cities. Like minded members are ready to meet you. Disabled singles choose to date here because all our members go through verification checks. Genuine members, genuine fun. Create new memories with deaf singles.

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Create your profile in minutes to start browsing profiles. Our community is full of genuine singles seeking their soulmate. Effortlessly browse profiles on the MeetMe tab and save your favourites. The VIP membership option offers you unlimited private messaging, your profile will rank higher in user searches and you can see who has viewed your profile.

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Deaf Online Dating, is a safe and secure site. We never share or display your personal details. We don’t use social media logins to keep your profile even more secure. Our customer support teams are online 24/7, monitoring and making sure only verified members are in our community.

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